The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Landowners, BAALO, is a non-profit organization protecting and representing the interests of landowners, tenant farmers and users of agricultural land in the Republic of Bulgaria. Established in 2007, the Association has established itself as a respected NGO.
Considering the fact that agricultural land is a limited natural resource, taking proper care of it and its preservation are of paramount importance to BAALO members. Both its owners and users are expected to treat it as a finite natural resource and to consciously aim at its sustainable use. This includes the use of soil-friendly technologies, with particular attention being paid to the application of chemical substances and pesticides in view of its preservation in the future.
BAALO’s mission is implemented in partnership with the legislative, executive and local authorities as well as with NGOs in order to support the development of modern, market-oriented agricultural land relations. A major goal is for the income of Bulgarian farmers to catch up with and equal that of their fellow colleagues coming from the older Member States of the European Union (EU). Proper grouping of agricultural land is done to increase its productivity and its added value respectively, the restoration, modernization and construction of new irrigation and drainage infrastructure, proactive measures to prevent erosion, floods, fires, etc.

BAALO participates in working groups and prepares opinions on a number of specialized topics such as in the drafting new ones and in the amendment of the existing legal and regulatory framework, common agricultural policy, etc.
BAALO is a full member of the European Landowners’ Organization and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, the Union of Bulgarian Business.
BAALO members and the Association initiate and/or participate in social and charitable initiatives in support of the state and the local authorities, sciences, education, medicine, groups and communities at risk, etc.
BAALO, Care for Bulgarian agricultural land!