A Statement Regarding New Rules and Prices needed to Compensate Compulsory Agricultural Land Expropriation (18.09.19)

BAALO claims compensation packages are too low and therefore irrelevant to market conditions

The Bulgarian Association of Owners of Agricultural Land (BAALO) insists on regulatory changes to create safeguards for owners of private estates, by reconsidering the rules for determining the compensation offered in cases of compulsory expropriation of agricultural land and the establishment of servitudes upon it for state and municipal needs. The owners of agricultural land pointed out their arguments in a letter to the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria.

A Statement Regarding the Thematic Working Group for Drafting a Strategic Plan for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas for the Programming Period 2021-2027 (05.08.19)

The Bulgarian Association of Owners of Agricultural land Owners (BAALO) declares its willingness to take part in the Thematic Working Group on the evolvement of a strategic plan for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas for the programming period 2021-2027.

BAALO expresses its concern regarding the inability of the Agricultural Sector in Bulgaria to meet the criteria laid down in DECREE No 142 of 7 June 2019 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, on the strategic planning and the programming documents of the Republic of Bulgaria for managing European Union funds for the programming period 2021 – 2027

A Statement Regarding the Necessity and the Benefits of an Establishment of a National Chamber of Agriculture (07.06.19)

The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Land Owners, considering the public interest, believes that the time for the establishment of a National Chamber of Agriculture has come.
A Chamber to unite the NGOs in the agricultural sector; for Bulgarian agriculture to have a unified national organisation which to fulfill the role of an official partner of the executive and legislative authorities; a Chamber to defend the national interest.

The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Land Owners considers that the non-governmental sector in the agricultural industry can successfully protect the interests of its members only if it is unified. The Association aims for solutions to the problems to be found through the prism of the national interest.

A Statement Regarding the Legislative Proposal for the CAP After 2020, Presented by the EC on 1 June 2018, and the Ongoing Negotiations for the Next MFF (07.04.19)

BAALO understands the importance and the meaning of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.
The Association acknowledges that this is one of the most complicated and comprehensive EU policies.
Taking in view the interests of Bulgaria, the latest debates in the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, BAALO considerations are as follows:

A Statement Regarding the preliminary coordination of the working draft of the Decree defining the conditions and procedures of establishing artificially created conditions for applications for support by means of the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (22.01.19)

On the occasion of the presentation of a draft working project of the Decree defining the conditions and procedures for establishing artificially created conditions for applications for support by funds from the EAGF and EAFRD (a draft Decree) in relation to the promulgated in the Official State Journal of Bulgaria, issue 2 of 2018, an amendment to the Agricultural Support Act (ASA) delegating powers to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry for the issuance of such a statement, we hereby expresses the following opinion: