Satellite Surveillance After 2020 Will Be In Full Control Over The Officially Registered Agricultural Land


A computer will randomly select where and when the checks are carried out, which will completely exclude the human factor in the monitoring process.

Instead of applying the current verification system performed over on only 5% of the agricultural areas applying for subsidies, a satellite image system will be in place after 2020 in all European Union member states. It will be able to carry out monthly controls and cover the total of 100% of all agricultural areas. This system is currently being applied in some Member States such as Denmark, Austria, etc. The system for monitoring of agricultural areas is intended to completely  replace the existing field inspections, announced Georgi Pramatarov from the Ministry of Agriculture, during a presentation of the new legislation included in the new CAP 2020 and organized for the branch organisations in the agricultural sector.

The process will be fully automated and will allow for 20-30 satellite images to be taken every other week during the control performed on the agricultural areas so that the verification process is fair. A computer will bet on where and when these checks will take place, which would completely exclude the human factor in monitoring, the expert pointed out.